Shop: new coin pouch and find us in Little Paper Planes!
Last summer I was eating butifarra amb mongetes in a Catalan restaurant in Gracia, Barcelona with some friends, new and old. When it came time to pay the bill, we all pulled out our various wallets/coin purses and I looked over at one of the new friends, from Barcelona, and we laughed as we had the same exact coin purse! I asked her where she got hers - and she said Istanbul! Which is precisely where I got mine! Fast forward, I was thinking about small items to show the Treasure Island Flea, where we'll be later this month, and I remembered this handy coin pouch. I have a ton of leftover gorgeous fabric from my sewing days, and so I spent most of Tuesday sewing one-of-a-kind pieces.
The result, a handy little coin pouch to throw in your bag or purse. They measure about 5 1/2" x 4", with slight variations as I am hand cutting and hand sewing each one in my Mission studio. Each has a unique liner and the zippers are actually jean zippers. The tabs help you open and close easily. I store things like bobby pins, tampons, and lip gloss in mine. It's nice to have one for each category so you always know what's inside what.
Until the end of September, if you purchase anything on our online store, I'll through in a one-of-a-kind coin pouch!
You can also find them at our booth at Treasure Island Flea on September 28th and 29th or at Little Paper Planes on Valencia, where you can also find the Etxe San Francisco Mini Wallet!
Find Etxe in Little Paper Planeson Valencia between 19th and 20th855 Valencia Street SF,CA, 415.643.4616