Recap: San Martíns & Vision Boards


Last Wednesday we had our first workshop at WeWork Apollo to kick off our three month series! We are so excited to be a part of this community and make things together. 

Our first workshop featured the San Martín cocktail and Vision Boards. We got everyone a cocktail as they came in and then started creating. 

Want to create your own vision board? Learn how in our Create Your Own Vision Board blog post and download our Vision Board DIY Workshop Guide


First step was to write down everything you want in your life. The cocktail was to kick out fears and the vision board was to bring what you envision into your reality. 


Once participants were clear on what they wanted in their lives, they could start on their boards. Some added a layer of color. Some just went full speed ahead cutting out images that represented their visions and started glueing!


Because we were at WeWork Apollo but all WeWork members were invited, we made sure people got to know each other via introductions and some questions they had to answer in pairs. We noticed a few groups were co-workers, which was fantastic! How cool is it to make something with someone you work with all day, but maybe haven't gotten to know that well?

Our favorite moment was when we realized a new person was finishing up his co-worker's vision board because the original person had to go back to his office for a call. Teamwork!


We had a great time with this group and can't wait to join the WeWork community again in September for Apple Cider Old Fashioneds & Block Printing!

Want to make your own San Martín cocktail? Here's our recipe below:
