10 Tips for Commissioning a Site-Specific Artwork for Businesses & Real Estate Developers

Artwork and creative activations can make a long lasting impact on your residential, office, or retail development, but how exactly do you do it? What resources should you have in place before you start a site-specific art project? And how do you find artists for the job?

I wrote this guide 10 tips for Commissioning a Site-Specific Artwork based on my experience as a curator and producer of site-specific art projects and murals as well as my experience working in house at a top real estate firm.

Below is an overview of the tips. Enter your email to get all the tips with explanations in the free PDF!

  1. Know Your Why

  2. Have a Deadline

  3. Have a Decision Maker

  4. Brainstorm

  5. Set a Budget

  6. Write a Creative Brief

  7. Share the Vision

  8. Allocate Staff

  9. Prep a Contract

  10. Discuss Maintenance

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