Meet Our 2019 Distill Creative Chapter Leaders

We’re excited to announce our 2019 Distill Creative Chapter Leaders! We have Shenneth Dove-Morse leading Washington, DC, Amelia Favere leading Reston, VA, Victoria Crispo leading Staten Island, and Nicole Schroeder leading SoCal. Each leader will be hosting monthly workshops in her own community. Keep reading for an interview with each Chapter Leader!

Washington, DC: Shenneth Dove-Morse

Reston, Virginia: Amelia Favere

Staten Island: Victoria Crispo

Southern California: Nicole Schroeder

SHENNETH DOVE-MORSE, Chapter Leader for Washington, DC

My name is Shenneth (Shen for short). I’m a Howard Alum originally from Philadelphia. I work in the communications field as a Content Strategist in DC. I’m passionate about traveling, wellness, and creativity. I love exploring hobbies and creative pursuits such as: crafting, blogging/writing, photography, traveling to obtain visual inspiration, practicing yoga, among others.

How did you become a Chapter Leader?

I attended a few Distill Creative events over the years as a fun way to meet like-minded people and learn about new crafts. I’m most excited about connecting with others who love crafting. DC can be a pretty transient place because so many of us move here (or stay here) to pursue professional endeavors. Doing regular events with Distill Creative will be a fun way to serve as a conduit for people to expand their networks and have fun at the same time.

What’s your preferred outlet for creativity?

My preferred outlet for creativity changes depending on my mood. In the past I’ve dabbled in vegan baking (I’m no longer vegan), dancing, and photography. At the moment, I’m into content creation via social media and blogging.

How do you overcome a creative block?

Giving myself permission to step away and take a walk, free-writing, goal-setting, socialize with friends, watch an inspiring film or go to a museum are some ways I’ve overcome creative blocks in the past.

How do you define creativity?

My definition for creativity is: To use your imagination to produce something (i.e. an idea, work of art, solution to a problem, etc.).

What’s one thing you do everyday?

The one thing I do everyday is read something whether it’s a book, article, or an email. I am a voracious reader and collector of ideas, so reading is something I do everyday without fail in some capacity.

What’s your favorite cocktail?

I’m still learning about my cocktail tastes, but I love any cocktail that has kombucha as an ingredient!

How can we find you?

You can find me most frequently on IG: @ShenDove. For longer form ideas and conversations, you can visit my blog:

Anything else you want to share?

I love the fact that social media + the Internet can lead to in-person events and connections. I think Distill Creative is a part of a larger trend of social media + digital spaces bringing people closer together for creative endeavors!

AMELIA FAVERE, Chapter Leader for Reston, Virginia

I'm an artist, graphic facilitator, and practitioner of Human-Centered Design in the Reston, VA area. I'm focused in all of my work in building a sense of community and fostering joy, because I truly believe that humans are best when we work to build a sense of trust to everything we do and don't take ourselves too seriously.

I spend most of my free time painting, walking -- I walk around 2 hours a day -- and meditating, as well as spending time with my husband and our two dogs.  (My husband is steampunk/fantasy novelist William Ray)

I try to keep to a minimalist lifestyle, and have a small wardrobe of around a dozen items to serve me year round, even for formal situations, and I would love to pare it down even more.

How did you discover Distill Creative?

I have no idea how I discovered it, which is crazy, because I’ve been getting the emails for months and months.  I always wanted to go to a workshop, but it never worked out for me with scheduling. I loved the idea and just reading the newsletters gave me a boost!  

I’m looking forward to being a chapter leader because I just love the idea of this magical time where anyone can jump into a beautiful, curated experience of pure creativity and community.  It’s a safe space to play in, a bit like stepping into a beautiful Pinterest picture and just being part of that moment.

What’s your preferred outlet for creativity?

I love starting my day by painting photo-realistic watercolors (shout-out to Anna Mason’s great tutorials, which I’m obsessed with), then keeping a visual journal throughout the day to anchor me, and then closing out the day with wild art journaling.  Right now I’m really inspired by Jane Davenport and Kelvy Bird, who could not be more different in their approaches but who have this overlapping Venn Diagram in their work of approaching life with beauty and spontaneity that I love.

How do you overcome a creative block?

Honestly, if there is a creative block, it’s either because I’m tired or dealing with something emotionally.  The best way for me to remove that is by meditating or taking a walk, so I acknowledge that I need a break, and then I give myself the time to work out whatever I need to work out.  

Art is sometimes part of that process, too -- I splash color on a page or write words free-form as they cross my mind in different inks and paints.  This is a kind of shamanistic process to step into that troubled part of my mind and pull those thoughts and feelings out into the open where I can see them, process them, and let them go.  

My best work comes from this kind of art, and whenever I’m dealing with something big, I just pull out the largest canvas or watercolor paper I have and start making marks.  This usually takes me weeks to work though, and by the end I have something that looks totally different from when I started -- what I’m dealing with becomes clearer over time and I block and edit to reveal it.  I like the challenge of taking something raw and dark and turning it into something beautiful as I process the feelings and take stock of the situation.

How do you define creativity?

Creativity is when different parts of your brain talk to each other. A lot of what goes on our minds is hidden from us, so creativity is often a thought that just comes from out of nowhere.  It’s a mysterious process, and it’s kind of magical.

I mentioned “shamanistic” techniques earlier, and what I mean by that is a process that pulls out those hidden thoughts from this deeper part of the mind.  I learned about this from the author William Gibson, and I keep a book of techniques for this that I pick up from other visual artists.

The easiest of these methods to teach is to put on some music and to just start making marks to represent the melody or rhythm.  This can put you into a flow state, where it’s easier to invite your mind to spill those thoughts into the part of the mind you can see.  Once you find yourself thinking of something that inspires or excites you, you know you’re entering a creative place. Then, it’s all about playing with those ideas until you see something you like.  Some days one technique works better than another, but often it’s just as easy as relaxing the judgmental part of your mind and stopping the constant chatter of thoughts -- which is why the Shower Principle works so well.

What’s one thing you do everyday?

I drink wonderful full-leaf artisanal tea from small-batch tea farmers.  I know the folks over at Teance really well, and they know all of the farmers they buy from and travel to see them regularly. I’ve visited with some of the farmers myself, and I am deeply inspired by their commitment to their craft. Drinking truly great tea every morning sets a tone for the day -- it connects me to the earth, and it reminds me of what real dedication to a craft can produce.  It also tastes over-the-top amazing and I honestly am just ruined now for any bag teas.

What’s your favorite cocktail?

I know it’s not very fancy, but I just love a simple gin and tonic, made with Hendrick’s, which has a crisp, nuanced flavor.  My family’s drink is the grasshopper, which we drink at Christmas in honor of all things kitsch, heartfelt, and wonderful.

How can we find you?
I have two Instagram accounts, one with my digital art and one with my daily visual journal @fermata_notes and @ameliafavere.

NICOLE SCHROEDER, Southern California Chapter Leader

How did you discover Distill Creative?

I attended a block printing workshop at the Smithsonian for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, and learned about Basque cocktails and culture while Stephanie made sure I didn’t impale myself.  Pro tip: Move the sharp object away from yourself, not toward yourself.

What’s your preferred outlet for creativity?

Oil painting!  I am an artist and have been oil painting for years.  I’m just now getting into mixed media, but as far as an outlet goes, I still go back to oil painting.  It sounds stuffy, but it’s not. I like to challenge myself. I buy a little bouquet from the grocery store, take it outside with my paints, and knock out a little canvas with just knives, no brushes.  It’s fun!

How do you overcome a creative block?

I go outside. I disconnect. A good multi-hour highway drive followed by a cabin with no reception unlocks each new chapter of my art practice.

How do you define creativity?

Creativity is the thing that happens outside of what people tell you you “should” do.  It’s making something out of nothing, and bringing new life or objects or inspiration into the world, which the world didn’t know before.

What’s one thing you do everyday?

A French Press of Joshua Tree Roasting Company coffee.  I go to Joshua Tree for creative recharges, so this is a nice treat.

What’s your favorite cocktail?

I’m still partial to a negroni. But a Corpse Reviver is a close second.

How can we find you? and on Instagram at @Atthirtyone

Anything else you want to share?

Creativity isn’t just for “creative” people, it’s for everyone!  It’s a tool that everyone can use. That’s why I am a Distill Creative Chapter Leader.  

VICTORIA CRISPO, Staten Island Chapter Leader

I love exploring and observing the world around me with all of my senses, from the minute everyday stimuli (like leaves falling, city noises, and the scent of wet earth) to the wondrous (like the Northern Lights in Iceland). I like to make connections between seemingly unrelated things, and I aim to spread joy through creativity and community.

Why did you decide to be a Distill Creative Chapter Leader?

I’m excited to create fun, easy-going atmospheres in my community that allow for creativity, exploration, and learning in a group environment. I love anything that engages the senses, and the arts are such a great playground for that! The “maker” scene appeals to me and I’m really looking forward to inspiring others to live more creative lives and try out things they may have never considered before.

What’s your preferred outlet for creativity?

One of my favorites is not crafty -- it’s dance. I started belly dancing several years ago and it’s still one of my great loves. The dance does lend itself to making physical art, in the form of costumes (some of which can be very elaborate!) and props.

I also enjoy creating vision boards and have been leading a group of friends in this activity every New Year’s Eve. You can also find me cooking and creating tablescapes for small social gatherings.

How do you overcome a creative block?

I take a class! I’ve seen the magic that happens during a “sip and paint” night, and was pleasantly surprised at my own first experience with block printing! I also find going to a museum or a music performance to help get the creative juices flowing, or I look around my kitchen and come up with different ingredient combinations for a meal.

How do you define creativity?

Creativity is not necessarily a word only for artistic pursuits. One can be creative in problem solving or even developing a new idea after assessing a batch of data. It’s something accessible to everyone and is a skill that can be honed.

What’s one thing you do everyday?

I meditate every morning using the Insight Timer app. I like to try out different styles- sometimes guided, sometimes just music.

What’s your favorite cocktail?

A nor’easter, or a botanical, maybe with a little lavender in it.

How can we find you?

On Instagram @vivaciouslyvictoria.