Recap: Hand Lettering with The Paisley Corner

Last weekend we gathered in our Brooklyn studio for a Hand Lettering class with local artist Swetha Shenoy of The Paisley Corner. It was a cold weekend and we were excited to warm up with some hands-on creativity.

Swetha started the workshop by showing us a technique to create colorful backgrounds using tombow markers, a ziploc bag, and spray bottle. We played around and created backgrounds and then set them aside while we learned hand lettering techniques.

Next, Swetha taught us how to create beautiful letters using hand lettering techniques, like adding weight to letters. We practiced individual letters, then moved on to words and phrases. She showed us how to use different pens to create our desired effects.


When we felt comfortable with our own hand lettering skills, we created our own word art on the backgrounds we created at the beginning of the class.


I loved creating my own artwork in this class and learning from Swetha! It was fun to see everyone’s unique creations and I can’t wait to host another class with The Paisley Corner. Check out Swetha’s work on Instagram at @thepaisleycorner and check back soon for more workshops.