Studio Update: You Can't Stay Here Forever Opens Sunday 6/4 at Roots Cafe

This weekend my show You Can’t Stay Here Forever opens at Roots cafe! Also on view is Solace by fellow Southwest Brooklyn artist Aiyana Masla. We both use water-based media and paper to create soothing imagery inspired by their life experiences.

I created this series of watercolors during an island vacation on my first trip away from my baby. Each day during my trip I took out my watercolors and pastels and forced myself to capture my feelings and my environment. During this trip, I pumped milk from my breasts every couple of hours to keep up my milk supply. I wrestled with my new role as a mother and the difficulty of filling my own cup while supporting my family and social network. I was able to take this vacation because my parents and sisters watched our baby for my husband and me. I felt guilty about leaving my baby and being able to take a trip at all.

This series is a reminder for me that we all need a rest, a vacation, a true break. We also cannot mother alone. It takes a community of support to raise children.


June 1st–June 30th, 2023

Opening Reception: Sunday, June 4th, 6-8 PM

Roots Cafe, 639 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215