Recap: Video Production Lab with Zoe Map


These past few weekends we’ve been learning video production at Distill Creative! Zoe, of Zoe Map, has been sharing her expertise in the film/video industry and teaching us everything we need to know to start making our own videos.

The workshop took place over two weekends with four sessions. The sessions covered the basics of video production, roles and responsibilities in a crew, how to present your idea to a client, how to develop a video concept and translate it visually, how to write a treatment and shot list, video editing, and promotion.

The workshop series was created and taught by Daniela “Zoe” Croci, an award winning filmmaker officially selected at SXSW 2019 with a production company based in Brooklyn New York called Zoe Map Films.  Her career pursuits as a filmmaker brought her to New York City where she currently lives and produces music videos, fashion editorial videos, documentaries and commercials.

What I loved most about the workshops is that Zoe gave us many examples of her own experience and the experiences of her colleagues in video production. She also was able to coach us on our own interests and goals. She also had us plan our own music video — with a shot list, story board, and budget!

We’ll be running this workshop soon so stay tuned! Check back for updates.

Join us for our Womxn in Film Screening II if you are interested in film and supporting female directors!
