Recap: Fiskars DIY Workshop at Brooklyn Craft Renegade

This past Sunday, Fiskars invited Distill Creative to join their DIY workshop at the Brooklyn Renegade Craft Fair

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The DIY craft was leather keychain making and of course, Fiskars had all the best crafting tools available at each station. 


The materials available for the keychains included an assortment of leather in beautiful neutral tones, various metal snaps, wooden beads, sticky tape and keychain rings. 

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In true DIY fashion, everyone started slowly and kept an eye out for inspiration. There were a few simple


As usual, my second attempt (gray) was much better than the first (ivory). Crafting is all about figuring things out as you go and learning to improve your technique! After my second attempt and a second cup of coffee, I even helped a few other attendees make their own fringe keychains. 


Behind the workshop table, Fiskars had a Tiny House installation full of DIY projects made with Fiskars tools. I especially loved the DIY Vertical Garden and DIY Wine Rack.

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Crafting with excellent tools and materials was an awesome way to start Sunday! I left with 2 new keychains, 4 new scissors & inspiration to keep crafting!

Thank you Fiskars

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